Tuesday 15 October 2013

Story of Foolish King Raoul

Once there was a King Named Raoul of Foolishland who was always surrounded by his Chamchas who were always falsely Praising him and getting Rewards,nobody ever pointed out his faults and weaknesses.The king was always expecting false praises and as such was Head of Foolishland and was himself biggest of the Fools.
Once two friends who were living in cleverland and had heard about this Foolking wanted to make some fast money and enjoy the hospitality of the king .they hatched a conspiracy and presented themselves in the court of this foolking whose Birthday was coming shortly.They introduced themselves as the Best and Famous dressmakers of cCleverland and offered to make a wonderful Dress for the Kings Birthday.They said that they will make a Lovely Dress for the King which can be visible to the King only since he is most intelligent and foolish people can not see this Dress,The King was very impressed to hear his praises and offered these two clever persons to be his Guests and prepare this wonder Dress for him and offered to Pay them whatever money they Demanded.

These two clever friends were very Happy and they started Living in the Palace and had a large Room with all facilities for preparing the Dress for Fool Kings Birth Day.They posed and acted as if they are Stiching a Dress whenever some body visited the but actually there was no dress,but since they had already boasted that only intelligent People could see their Dress nobody Dared to say that there was nothing visible.They Kept on doing this for Days together and whenever th King enquired from his servants they always praised the Dress and said they have never ever seen such fine thing being made for the King.

This went on for sometime and these two Cleverland Persons kept on enjoying the Hospitality of The FOOLKING and had best of the foods-Chicken Batta,Puri Halwa,Sweets,Cakes chocos and so many things and took a lot of money also.

At last the Birth Day of the King came and after taking Bath etc. he called for the Wonder Dress.The servants asked the two Clever friends to carry their Dress to the King and Dress him up for his birth Day. These two fellows started acting as if they are Holding the Dress and Both of the Acted as if they are carrying it to the King and Nobody was able to see any Dress but kept quite and only falsely Praised the Dress because they were in a Habit of Telling lies to the King and Falsely Praise him.

These two clever friends acted carrying the invisible Dress to the Kings Dressing Room and the FoolKIng was invited for dressing up.The King came and was asked to take off his old cloths and both these Clever friends undressed him and started the actions of dressing him up with the most Beautiful wonder Dress.Though the King could also not see anything but Kept quite so that his servants may not come to know that He is a Fool since he is not able to see the Dress. The King was Dressed up and it was announced that the King Has Been Dressed up in the wonder Dress which is not visible to Fools.

Now on his Birth day the King walked through the city to give audience to his People and with all Glory Band Drum Beats and pomp and show the King came out for the Procession in his wonder Dress.These two Cleverland Dressmakers took their Prize money and left thanking the Foolking.,

While passing through the city everybody observed that the King actually is not wearing anything and he is just completly naked but nobody said anything but kept on cheering and clapping for th Naked Foolking. Now the while the King was passing through the street their was a Child Nainoo  watching this procession and she had come with her mother to watch the Kings Procession.

When the King passed before her she started shouting that Shame Shame the King is Naked Shame shame, then the Foolking Realised that he has been cheated by these two cleverland persons.He immediately took a shawl of  Nainoos mother and covered his Naked body and ordered his staff to get these two Clever Persons.
These two had already run away but the King realised his mistake and announced to Punish all his courtiers who did not tell the truth to him.He also called for Nainoo and Rewarded her and made her the special adviser.
There after the King always avoided the false praises and had only people like Nainoo in her court as his friends and advisors.


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