Wednesday 25 September 2013


Dearest Nainika,

Here is a special gift to you from your Mummy and Daddy. It is really thanks to your uncle Robinson who with this fantastic story got us to think of writing a lovely story to you through your growing up years. 

Here is what Robinson uncle wrote for you. 

Nainika Food Story (NFS)

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl named Nainika...some friends called her nae..nene. nae  nae. She loved playing, travelling and cooking too...recently she had gone to India and met a lot of  new and friends who loved her for who she was. She also got to eat a lot of  new things along with C and C (coke and chips) and was keeping healthy. She also learnt to make stories and to tell them too...One day she was feeling very tired and wanted to sleep and sleep...In her sleep came a fairy...who told her...smiling girl...why are you not playing? Nainika replied...I am tired and not in a mood. The fairy waved her magic wand and there appeared nutritious food.. Soups, Bread, Muffins and fresh fruits and Vegetables...and the fairy said.. Look girl want to be smart and beautiful then you have to eat well so that you get energy and the fairy started making a nice salad and soup and as soon as Nainika had it ..she felt strong and wanted to play and go to the garden and roll downhill.. with that she suddenly woke up and felt very hungry and there was Mommy with Salad and Soup and Nainika smiled and gobbled it all that is the Nainika food story.. now sit back and eat well.

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